Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Today is the fourth day that Ustadh Abdul Ganiyy Jumah and his wife, Muinat, were abducted from their home in Ijoko, Ota, Ogun State and those that took them away at gun point, who reportedly claimed they were 'police', have not deemed it fit to allow the Ustadh make a call to his people to at least have a rest of mind about his and his wife's whereabouts.
The 80 years old mother of the Ustadh has just been eventually informed after a bit delay trying to avoid hazard, being that Ustadh Abdul Ganiyy is considered to be most caring and eye of the aged mother's children.
One of the sympathisers had said, "Ah, Allah will definitely punish whoever is behind the travails of this couple, whose five children have been subjected untold pains and unnecessary sorrow for four days not seeing their parents."
It is quite appreciated that people have shown interest in the scholar's issue from across Nigeria and abroad and are therefore praying hard for his and his wife's safe return.
Meanwhile, no official statement has been issued by any security agency regarding the reports that they were picked by the police or soldiers. This has continued to hike tension in the area and in the Muslim circle where the Ustadh resides.
It has however been gathered that a section of Muslim community in the Sango Ota/Ijoko axis has begun to smell foul play thinking that the plight of the Ustadh is product of conspiracy by yet unknown people. This cannot be authenticated until the combined security forces in Ogun, Lagos and, by extention, Abuja make their position known on this. The silence on the part of these has not helped any matter as people sympathetic to the scholar and his wife, widely loved by Muslims and Christian, even acclaimed pagans, in Ijoko where he teaches Qur'an, Arabic and Islamic studies, continued to be in high spirit.
Rumours have continued to fly that the abduction was product of either a clamp down on Islamic scholars in the South West based on the CAN's conspiracy or as a result of egocentricism and over ambition to outweigh one another that some proudly connected Alfas envious of Ustadh's surprised popularity and acceptance to all classes of Muslims have engaged themselves in.
Ustadh Abdul Ganiyy has a character of a good Muslim. He speaks less and is much loved by many across the working class, women and school ages. Many of us have continued to miss his charisma, gentility and kindness. Our Qur'anic classes have seized to hold since his and his wife's abduction by yet to be known gun men last Saturday.

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